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Work A Job or Work For Yourself?

This was something I never really thought about until I had my son. I never had any interest in doing anything as a business until he was born and I was struggling to leave him at daycare everyday while I went to work. I wanted to raise him, not someone else.

So when he was 5 months old, I was invited to a home party for a network marketing company. The company focused on weight loss and that was my biggest struggle both before and after the pregnancy. (Weight loss always has been a struggle for me, but that is something I will discuss at another time.) It was not until that night of the home party, when I got the itch to even work for myself instead of someone else. That evening I met people and heard stories of how other moms my age were able to stay home with their kids and it inspired me to want the same for myself. So I started thinking more about it and eventually decided to take a leap of faith and from that point on, I was working at my job, but seriously wanting to do my own thing.

For the next few years, well six years, I actually had the mentality to keep trying different things to be able to get out of my job. I wanted it so much that my life started to get taken over by this goal of mine. Every day I was doing something to make this dream of mine come true and honestly my life was falling apart because of it. I needed to do things differently but wasn’t sure where to start. My focus was to do whatever it took, no matter the sacrifice; to no longer have to go to a job everyday.

This industry that I was involved in was pushing in my head that you are better off working for yourself than for someone else, and I believed it. People in the industry would always bash the idea of having a J.O.B., so of course that was where my head was and I thought it made a lot of that time.

It wasn’t until I attended an event in June of 2019 that I realized that what I was doing wasn’t really my best option. Yes, being your own boss is a great idea, but it definitely takes a few years to even become profitable for most people, obviously this depends on your business and the individual, but it is what happens for majority of people.

Anyways, the event I attended was a First Steps To Success put on by Dani Johnson. Now as a side note, this event is something that I truly think every single person should is absolutely life changing! Now Dani covers so much at the 3-day seminar, but this knowledge struck huge with me…She said to not quit your job. Your job is your number one “cash cow” and that your goal is to take a portion of the money from this “cash cow” and start another “cash cow “, then continue on and on.

Wow!!! After so many years of trying so hard to get myself out of my job, something finally clicked with me that I need to keep my job and I need to treat it as my own business. From that income, I can start other income making activities, then eventually leave my job; not just to get out of there as fast as I could. The way she talked about this, it made a whole lot of sense!

So I came home after that event and I started really looking at my life and where my priorities were and I made some changes. I knew that I needed to keep my day job and excel in it! It is my first income that keeps my family afloat, so it needs to be nurtured. Down the line I will have enough “cash cows” that I won’t need my job anymore, but until then I need to refocus and keep working my job. Which I am happy to do now that I understand why and what Dani said finally clicked with with me.

I am so glad that I went to the Dani Johnson FSTS seminar. I learned so much that weekend about everything in my life. If you need help in any part of your life; debt payoff, wealth creation, business, relationships, marriage, etc; please do yourself a favor and go to her website at She has so much free information there along with information that you can purchase. I 1000% believe that if everyone plugged into her material and applied it to their life, our world would be so much better. I know she has changed my life and this woman was a Hot Mess! Still is most days, but I am applying all that I learned and changing every aspect of my life and it feels amazing!


I would love to hear about your experiences with Dani Johnson and her teachings, if you have heard her information before. Feel free to share your story with me at

And of course, if you know someone that may benefit from reading this information, please share this blog with them. I would appreciate you sharing it with others!

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