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When Your Kid Is Sick and Your Whole World Gets Thrown For A Loop!

Let’s just state the facts…Kids are GIANT Germ Magnets!  When they are little and in

daycare, they get everything and bring it home to everyone in the household, even Mom.


Now, we already know that I am a full time working mom and my kids get sick a lot since they are in daycare. So there is nothing worse than getting that call that you have to come pick up your kids from daycare or school because they are sick. Now, I am lucky to have a manager that understands and doesn’t give me any grief if I need to leave work because something like this comes up...all employers should be like that, but we know that not all are and this is very unfortunate…(and a topic for another day for sure!)


So as I wrap things up at work to head out to pick up my sick child, and begin the 20 minute drive to pick them up, I can’t help but have my mind start going down that dreaded hole of negative thoughts…ugh… Now I know that I should just feel bad for them, and I really do because being sick sucks! But really the thoughts go through my head of all the things I now have to do, instead of the normal stuff, or just taking a few minutes for me that evening…Will I get any sleep tonight?....Will they want to cling to me all night, so I can’t even pee?....Will I have to take them into the doctor or to an Urgent Care?...And of course, for those of us that are working moms... well they won’t be able to go to daycare/school tomorrow, so can I find

someone to watch them or will I have to call in tomorrow? Usually I stay home, but

depending what is going on at work, I have to get my job done so then I am scrambling

to figure out different options. And ya know what, having to figure out all these last

minute changes to our normal routine is a serious pain in the a$$!

Now, I know that I should just roll with it and sit and love on them when they are sick, but

honestly I get mad. Mad? Yeah! A sick kid puts me even farther behind on the never-

ending list of tasks that I need to do each and every day to keep the house running.  I

would be lucky if someone else did them in the house (wishful thinking, huh?), but

actually sometimes I do get surprised and they do get done, but that is not always the

case. When they do get done, I really do appreciate the help no matter how small the

task was.


So, now the task of picking up your sick kid and assessing the situation begins when you

step foot in the daycare/school.  How bad is the situation? Have others been sick too? It

may be just a fever and they are burning up, or they may be getting sick and you are

now just praying you get them home before they get sick in the car. Either way, you are

officially now in mom mode and time to get everyone home, situated, and comfortable. 

We all know that a fever means that there is an infection of some sort, but depending on

what you learned while picking them up, will depend on if you think that you will wait this out a bit, or call the doctor right now. But either way, you give your child Tylenol/Ibuprofen to help

give them a little bit of comfort to settle them down, well not if they are getting sick, but

for anything else. 

Then it is on to the rest of your evening of dealing with and helping your child feel

comfortable. Lots of snuggles are had, hopefully lots of sleeping on their part, and even

a few prayers that this sickness passes quickly and no one else in the house gets

whatever they have. It is gonna be a long night and couple days now, hang in there

Mom! It is gonna suck, but you got this! Just right now all they need is YOU!


I would love to hear about your experiences with your children and sickness. Feel free to share your story with me at I look forward to hearing what you have gone through when it comes to sick kids and your work.

And of course, if you know someone that may benefit from reading this story,, please share this blog with them. I would appreciate you sharing it with others!

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