Hello! My name is Elizabeth Balmer and I am so happy to have you here with me!
I am a wife to Nate, and mom to three children, Vincent, Brooklyn and Paige. We live in Michigan just outside the capital city. I am a full time Statutory/Investment Accountant for a dental insurance company, on top of keeping my home and family afloat in this crazy, busy world we live in.
Those that know me personally know that I don’t say too much, unless I have very strong feelings for something or if I know a lot about the topic being discussed. Some love this about me and others…well… they don’t like it much. And that my friends, I believe is their loss. Just Sayin! ☺
I am an Introvert and have never been one to come outside of my comfort zone around those I don’t know, but through the last few years I have been working to do just that.
Is it easy for me to do? Absolutely not!
Am I doing it though? You better believe it!
Each and every day, I strive to be a better person than I was yesterday.
So a few years back, reality set in and I realized that there is way more to life than what I was doing and that I have been put here for a greater purpose. Not knowing what that purpose truly is, I have been on a path of finding out not only why I am here, but also finding out who I really am.
My eyes were opened to a whole world that I had no prior knowledge of and since then, I have been immersing myself into books, audios, and teachings of some of the greatest people that have gone before me. Diving into this world has really helped me to get outside my own head and grow as a person to become a better wife and mother to my family. In this blog, I want to share with you things that have helped me get through so many difficult times in my life. And there have been many difficult times, trust me on that!
My husband and I were married for 6 years before we had our son. We had a lot of fun; we did what we wanted and when we wanted to do it. We would travel a lot and our favorite place to go was and still is Las Vegas and we would go every year! Man, I miss that town! When we finally decided it was time to start a family we tried for over a year to get pregnant and I never thought it was going to happen, until one day it actually did! We were so excited to become a family, but that brought about many challenges. You know, no one really talks about the important things in life, especially how life changes when you have kids. Your world changes so much and it is not always sunshine and rainbows. Being a parent has not been easy, we have made lots of mistakes, but we seem to always make it through! Now fast forward another 6 years and we are now a family of five! Holy smokes! Our world has been completely flipped, turned upside down in a matter of a few short years! We are definitely on a rollercoaster called life and most days we fly completely by the seat of our pants! Lots of lessons and knowledge of parenthood have been accumulated and I want to pass some of these on to you!
Now becoming a mom really opened up my eyes to looking at so many things in this world differently. I have had my fair share of health and weight issues and when I became a mom, I knew that I needed to make some changes. I needed to be able to have energy to keep up with my kids, so I needed to change some things in my lifestyle. Yep, no more eating full packages of Oreos anymore! Dang it! But I knew that these changes needed to be made so that I could keep up with my new role of being a mom.
We all know that moms are responsible for the health and safety of not only themselves, but of their children too and many of us will do pretty much anything to make this reality. So, I began to watch more closely what I did with concern to my health and it has become something that I am very passionate about. I am always researching things and trying new things to get myself feeling well so that I can be the best mom that I can for my children. Then in turn, I enjoy sharing my findings with others in the hope that they help them to feel great too!
So here’s a question for you… Why is it that we all live life and it is so very messy, but all anyone ever talks about or shows is all the good stuff? Why don’t we talk and share with each other how life really is? Well in this blog, I would like to do just that. I want to be completely honest and share with you things that I know and have gone through personally, just so you know that you are not alone! There really is someone out there that is going through everything that you are going through in your life. You don’t have to be ashamed of yourself and how you handle things. You don’t have to be scared to do things because you worry about what others will think.
Some of the things that are in this head of mine need to be shared with others, they really are that good! So buckle your seat belts! We are about to go on a journey together!
I would love for you to connect with me so that I can be sure to let you know when things are going on and when new posts are added. Scroll to the bottom of this page and fill out your email information, so I can connect with you that way. At anytime, please feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or concerns at Hello@ElizabethLBalmer.com. I would love to hear from you!