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More Than A Mom

Have you ever really looked at the women in your life lately? Have you noticed that they are doing more and more things in their life, not just staying home and taking care of the kids and doing the housework? Have you noticed that specifically the moms around you are taking on things and making themselves more financially stable? They are not just relying on their spouse or someone else to pay for the things in their life, they are going out and making it happen for them.

These moms are getting out of the house and they are creating professional careers for themselves through the corporate world, through at home businesses, or anything else that will work for what they want to accomplish. They are going above and beyond the call of duty and taking on the world all while still taking care of the kids and the household. And doing all that on a daily basis is exhausting and a whole lot of work!

So you have to wonder, how are these women really doing this all? What are they doing to make everything in their life work? Or at least look like everything is absolutely wonderful?

So being that I am a Working Mom myself, I know how difficult this is and a lot of days literally SUCK! It is not easy, juggling everything. I make it work, but I seriously want to know how other Working Moms do it all, we all have our different ways we handle things. So I am on a mission to find out how these Super Women do it all and I want to share it with you!

So how did I come up with this idea? Well funny story actually!

Every single morning I drop off my kids at daycare and I always see the same mom dropping off her children at the same time. Well this mom has three kids she drops off each morning, an older son and then twin girls that are my youngest’s age. Now one cold day, while I am trying to get my kids inside and settled, she is getting her kids out too. One of the twins is crying and throws herself on the floor. The other twin is walking into daycare without a shoe, that must have fallen off in the car. Either way, this mom has a smile on her face and she is laughing at the craziness that is her life at that very moment! Now, if that were me in that situation, I know I would not be smiling, I would be mad as heck! So it made me curious...just how does she manage to do it all and keep a smile on her face every single morning?

Now I knew that there was something of her story that needed to be shared. What did she do differently that she may be able to help me, or any other mom for that matter, out with? So I came up with the idea of interviewing Working Moms to ask the questions and get the real answers that we all want to know.

So with that, I welcome you to this blog series “More Than A Mom” and get to know other Working Moms out there. Learn what they do to survive each day, share these blog posts with others that you think may benefit from reading them, offer up your tips and tricks, and just really give these women the support and appreciation that they truly deserve! All of these women that I will interview are truly Super Women and they are no longer just a mom, they are More Than A Mom!


Hey wait...don’t leave yet!

Do you know a Working Mom that you feel could share her story and help even one person get through their days just a little bit easier? Would she be interested in being interviewed and become a part of this “More Than A Mom” blog series? If so, please connect her with me, I would love to feature a blog article about her. Email me her contact information at or even just include her on the email. Tell me why she should be featured and why you think she needs to be apart of this.

I truly want this “More Than A Mom” blog series to become something huge. I want these women to get the support and appreciation that they truly do deserve, even from people they don’t even know. So please, share these articles of these amazing women with people you know and have in your influence. Let’s give all Working Moms more support and the encouragement to get through this crazy hectic thing we call life!

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