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8 Ways to Instantly Pick Yourself Up

Lately, I have really been stressed out and a bit depressed, because I just can’t keep up with everything going on and all that I need to do. Things in my life have gotten a bit overwhelming and I just sit here sad, stressed, and just overall unhappy. Have you ever felt like this? I am sure we all have at times, so what are some things you can do to cheer yourself up and get out of the funk that you are in? Here are a few things you can try!

#1 – Take Deep Breaths – Sometimes you just need to stop and take a deep breath, in through your nose and count to 10, then breathe out through your mouth and count to 10. This helps to get you focused on something specific outside of the other things going on in your head at the moment. It also helps to get more oxygen into your body to help you feel better. Do this breathing exercise for at least 2 minutes or more, if you need to.

#2 – Drink Water - Go and drink at least 2 big glasses of water. Most people do not drink enough water and they are dehydrated. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water a day. Your water intake can really help to pick you up and make your body feel so much better.

#3 – Take a Shower and Put Fresh Clothes On – Maybe you have not showered in a while and are just bumming in your PJs, which is great sometimes, but not when you are trying to get out of a funk. Go jump in the shower, just stand and let the water hit you and wake you up a bit. Put on some clothes and get yourself ready. You will feel so much better.

#4 – Play Uplifting Music – Now this one works the best for me, especially when I am sitting at work. Nothing beats throwing on some good music to get you in a better mood fast! Play something upbeat, something you can sing along with, dance to, or just nod along with.

#5 – Go Do Something – Get up and move! Go for a walk, go for a run, or go do anything that gets your body moving! But be sure it is something that you want to do, not a chore like most moms would think to do. But get up and get that body moving and get your blood flowing just a bit.

#6 – Make a List of Positive Things in Your Life – This will help you to realize that your life isn’t as bad as you think it is. Your list is probably going to be longer than you think it will be once you get going. Remember that you are blessed more than you know. Be thankful for everything you have!

#7 – Talk to Other People – Ya know, sometimes you just need to throw what is bothering you out to someone else to get another take on the situation you are dealing with. You may get a different perspective on things. I do this all the time with coworkers, especially. Call up a good friend, talk to a family member, talk to your spouse; you may just come to realize that what you are upset or worried about is really nothing at all to be worried about. Sometimes you just need an outsider’s perspective on things.

#8 – Go and Help Somebody – Go and do something nice for someone else. Maybe you stop at the coffee shop to get a coffee to help get yourself out of a funk, so offer to pay for the order behind you. Maybe you like to volunteer, go find a volunteer opportunity that will make you feel good because you have now helped out someone less fortunate than yourself.

Well I hope that something in this list helps you get out of your funk the next time you find yourself in one.


Have other things that help you to pick yourself up? I would love to know what they are, so please share with me!:) Feel free to share with me at I look forward to hearing from you!

And of course, if you know someone that may benefit from these few tips that helped me, please share this blog with them. I would appreciate you sharing it with others!

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